Trustee Vacancy – Twin Bridges Public Schools
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Montana Codes Annotated, the appointment of one (1) trustee position for the Twin Bridges Public Schools will take place at the regular board meeting scheduled for May 11, 2021 at 7:00 pm.
The term for the position is until May 2021. Interested parties must be of voting age, reside within the Twin Bridges Public School District and submit a letter of interest to the District Clerk at no later than 4:00 pm Thursday, May 6, 2021. Interviews will take place May 11, 2021 at the regular board meeting.
Twin Bridges Public Schools
216 W. 6th Avenue, P.O. Box 419
Twin Bridges, MT 59754
Phone: 406-684-5656
Fax: 406-684-5458
Thad Kaiser
Superintendent, Twin Bridges Schools
(406) 684-5657