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Parents and Students, the following notice is for Route 1 and Route 4 for the months of December and January:
Bus Routes 1 and 4 will run separately for the month of December with the exception of Dec. 5th, Dec. 6th, Dec. 9th and Dec. 10th. These four days will be combined routes. Beginning in January, Routes 1 and 4 will be combined until further notice due to a shortage of bus drivers.
If you've ever thought of being a bus driver contact Steve Millhouse for information at Thanks for working with us.
Middle School & High School
December 3rd
7 pm - 8 pm
'Tis the season for joy and glad tidings! Join one and all for the sweet sounds from our very own choir and band!
December 2nd 12:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Another opportunity to give blood, give life is coming to Twin Bridges. The blood donation center will be set up in the MT Room, complete with snacks and drinks in lieu of your donation
We are so very grateful for not only your donations, but also the time and effort both Vitalant and Coree Martin put into these drives. If you would like more information you can get a hold of Coree at (406) 596-1978. We're hoping to see you there!
November 11, 2019 @ 2:30 p.m.
It is the honor of Twin Bridges Schools to host a Veterans Day celebration on November 11 at 2:00 p.m. The celebration will take place in the multi-purpose gym located within the high school. We invite all to come and join us as we pay our respects to those who have served our country. Along with choral and instrumental arrangements, we will have a guest speaker, Sergeant Major Sean Gifford.
Sergeant Major Gifford is a Veteran of the United States Army Special Forces, performed 20 years in service, and reported for 10 combat employments. He is also a recipient of The Purple Heart. We look very forward to both hearing from him, as well as uniting together during this significant occasion!
Congratulations to the winners of the Hoop Shoot Contest and a job well done to all who participated!
1st in 8-9 year Division - Tenley Keltz
3rd 10-11 yea Division - Keller Paden
3rd 12-13 year Division - Aiden Manger
"Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying."
~ W. Clement Stone
1 PM until 7 PM
November 7th is Parent/Teacher Conferences. What a wonderful advantage to be able to learn about your children and the progress they have made throughout the year thus far. This time is also great to find out the happenings in his/hers classroom. School will be released early that day at 12:30 PM and conferences will begin shortly after. Student's teachers should be in contact with you about the times that will be available for conferences to take place.
Parent invite
October 29, 6-7:30
Presentation on standards based report cards followed by a Q & A
Have you ever heard of Standards Based Grading or 1, 2, 3, 4 as a grading scale? As many of you know, Twin Bridges K-2 has used a Standards Based Grading system and 3rd and 4th grade are implementing this system this year. There are many parents who regularly ask what the 1, 2, 3, 4 means as it relates to their child’s learning. We hope to provide you information about Standards Based Grading and how we will use it to assess your child’s learning, give feedback as it relates to your child’s progress, and what would meet a proficient level of understanding.
Tomorrow's assembly will be an engaging and interactive presentation about the adverse effects of vaping. This hour long presentation will be given by Kris Minard, a OPI Tobacco Use Prevention Specialist. Twin Bridges Middle School as well as High School students will be able to take advantage of this assembly. Below are links to the videos that will be shown during the assembly, for those that wish to preview what will be presented.
How Juul Made Nicotine Go Viral
Juulers Against Juul
Trustee Vacancy – Twin Bridges Public Schools
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Montana Codes Annotated, the appointment of one (1) trustee position for the Twin Bridges Public Schools will take place at the regular board meeting scheduled for November 12, 2019 at 7:00 pm.
The term for the position is until May 2020. Interested parties must be of voting age, reside within the Twin Bridges School District and submit a letter of interest to the District Clerk at no later than 4:00 pm Thursday, November 7, 2019. Interviews will take place November 12, 2019 at the regular board meeting.
216 W. 6th Avenue, P.O. Box 419
Twin Bridges, MT 59754
Phone: 406-684-5656
Fax: 406-684-5458
The Twin Bridges School invites community senior citizens to our annual Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings on Tuesday November 12th at 11:00 a.m. in the school cafeteria.
Mark your calendars and we hope to see you there!